Hope Curriculum
We have officially released our pro-life curriculum, designed for religious education ministries to use to as either a retreat or a semester of weekly meetings. We provide resources, videos, discussion questions, and more for topics such as IVF, euthanasia, and, of course, abortion. Under the pro-life umbrella, we share about the hope we have when we follow and trust in God's plan.
We believe that if more people knew they were seen, known, and loved,
more lives would be saved.
While this curriculum was written with Catholic ministries in mind, the references to the Catholic faith can be omitted easily without changing the overall message. We strive to give reasons to be pro-life that do not rely on faith, because we know the value of bringing in scientific, philosophical, logical, and emotion-based arguments. It is crucial to have these arguments in our back pocket when sharing the pro-life message to people who do not believe in God. We have to meet people where they are at if we truly want to change hearts and minds.